Friday, October 26, 2012

God does not limit what He has for us.

According to Philippians 4:13, Amplified version of that verse says And my God, will Liberally supply (fill to the full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.  Have you ever noticed that in verses like these, take for John 3:16, For whosoever believes, Jeremiah 29:11, I know the Plans, I have for you declares the Lord, Philippians 4:6,13, Do Not be anxious about anything, and I can do all THINGS.  Do you notice something similar in these verses and in others as well, that similarity is that God doesn't limit, what He is going to give us in our lives, or what He is going to do in our lives.  He doesn't limit who is going to be saved, He doesn't limit the plans He's going to give us, He doesn't limit what we can be anxious about He doesn't say don't be anxious about this, but these things, over here you have to worry about.  In Philippians 4:19, God says and my God shall supply ALL YOUR NEEDS, So God's not limiting the NEEDS, that He is going to give you.  So remember these things next time you are wondering am I saved.  Remember this the next time you are limiting God in what you think His plans and purposes are for your life, or even what you can do through CHRIST who gives you strength.  Remember that with God all things are POSSIBLE.